On-Line Resources


Our On-Line Package

Over the past few months we have been creating our on-line package of on-line resources to help and support anyone who may be feeling low and could do with a pick-me-up. Without thinking about it we are all looking for something that will lift our mood, something that can make a difference to how we feel physically, mentally and emotionally, something that can become part of our lifestyle because it makes us feel good, and something to help carry us through these wintry days and into Spring. I hope that you will want to try out one or two (or three or more!) of the elements of the Debenham Project Well-Being package. They have been designed especially in mind of the impact of Lock-Down has had on each one of us by: Limiting our social contact: Reducing our ability to meet with friends: Being cooped up indoors: Stopping our community activities, groups and events. So here are some things that are positive and cheerful to enjoy until we can all get back to normal.

Exercise    Relaxation    Singalong    Nature