
Useful telephone numbers are below


Contact Telephone Number

The Debenham Project (Advice and Information)

01728 860348

Debenham Project (Confidential Telephone Support)

01728 862003

The Debenham GP Surgery

01728 860248

Debenham Pharmacy

01728 860421

Alzheimer’s Society

0333 150 3456

Suffolk County Council

08456 066 067

Suffolk County Council Social Services (Customer First)

0808 8004005

Mid Suffolk District Council

01449 724500

Debenham Library Resource Centre

01728 861940

CAMEO (Not active at present)

01728 860977

Debenham Parochial Church Council

01728 861073

Coopersfield - Debenham

01728 860135

Dementia Connect

0808 168 8000

Sue Ryder

01952 913113

Suffolk Family Carers       

01473 835477


Website Links

Suffolk Healthwatch (your chance to have a say on the services that you use)

The Alzheimer’s Society

Suffolk Family Carers

Suffolk County Council

First Stop (on-Line Information)

Suffolk User Forum
A Suffolk wide service user led charity for mental health & well being working to support commissioners and service providers to deliver on co-production. They also provide general informal advocacy  in particular to people with dementia, as well as information. They signpost people to current information and support for people living with dementia and their carers.